CHICKEN OF THE MOUND is the second feature-length animation made by the versatile artist and director Xi Chen. The film is made purely by himself and is a periodical culmination of his consistent technical exploration.
It is an innovative challenge to the language of animation, a masterpiece with such rich layers that are worth careful examination, such as gaming poetic, character theory, etc. With his wild imagination and delicate presentation, director Xi Chen guides us through the wondering adventure of a particularly curious lava chicken, his journey pondering on the existential problem.
Many animation critics have praised it as a game-changer in animation making, and compared it to David O’Reilly and Matrix.
It is an innovative challenge to the language of animation, a masterpiece with such rich layers that are worth careful examination, such as gaming poetic, character theory, etc. With his wild imagination and delicate presentation, director Xi Chen guides us through the wondering adventure of a particularly curious lava chicken, his journey pondering on the existential problem.
Many animation critics have praised it as a game-changer in animation making, and compared it to David O’Reilly and Matrix.
Chicken Of The Mound
2021 | China | 84 min Synopsis: A particularly curious chicken larva did not undergo the adult transformation and did not hide in the cave. Instead, it roamed the plains and mounds wearing robot armor. Director: Xi Chen Script: Xi Chen Producer: Xi Chen Funding: Xi Chen Production Designer: Xi Chen Editor: Xi Chen Layout: Xi Chen Camera and Staging: Xi Chen Lighting: Xi Chen Characters and Sets Designer: Xi Chen Modeling: Xi Chen Puppet Fabrication: Xi Chen Illustrations and Paintings: Xi Chen Live Footage Photography: Xi Chen Animation: Xi Chen Simulation: Xi Chen Additional 2d Animation: Xi Chen Texture Animation: Xi Chen Effects: Xi Chen Rendering: Xi Chen Sound Design: Xi Chen Original Sound Track: Xi Chen Voice-over: Liangquan Yin Foley art and Recordings: Xi Chen Sound mix: Xi Chen International Sales: Parallax Films |
Official character art and illustrations
About to:
Chicken of the Mound won the "Feature Animation Special Mention" at ANIMA 2022 - Córdoba International Animation Festival in Argentina.
<Chicken Of The Mound> won the Mirinae Road "Jury Special Prize" at Seoul Indie-AniFest 2022!!
This film combines a dystopia and utopia. A utopia can mean a perfect place with the best conditions, but it can also mean a place that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, a dystopia doesn't only exist in science fiction but is being experienced in the real world all around the globe. This film unfolds in a space and time that can be called "virtual," which is something that is artificial but can also be something that is "latent" or exists "in actuality." This animation shows vision in combining its imagery and narrative in an experimental and original way, making us look forward to the director's next work. The jury special prize is awarded to a film that was woven together with the talent and passion of an independent artist. (SHIN Eun-shil)
This film combines a dystopia and utopia. A utopia can mean a perfect place with the best conditions, but it can also mean a place that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, a dystopia doesn't only exist in science fiction but is being experienced in the real world all around the globe. This film unfolds in a space and time that can be called "virtual," which is something that is artificial but can also be something that is "latent" or exists "in actuality." This animation shows vision in combining its imagery and narrative in an experimental and original way, making us look forward to the director's next work. The jury special prize is awarded to a film that was woven together with the talent and passion of an independent artist. (SHIN Eun-shil)
Chicken Of The Mound is selected for the Competition program at Supernova 7th Dimension of Denver Digerati.
This program will be available to watch starting Wednesday, September 21st @ 6 pm
This program will be available to watch starting Wednesday, September 21st @ 6 pm
Focal Competition 3rd Place: Xi Chen for “Chicken of the Mound”
There’s almost no way to adequately describe the visual colossus that is Chicken of the Mound, it is a creation of ceaseless, astounding levels of visual creativity and digital prowess in motion-art. - Ivar Zeile (Founder, Artistic Director of Denver Digerati)
There’s almost no way to adequately describe the visual colossus that is Chicken of the Mound, it is a creation of ceaseless, astounding levels of visual creativity and digital prowess in motion-art. - Ivar Zeile (Founder, Artistic Director of Denver Digerati)
"The highly abstract narrative offers levity in many ways through robots in the form of chickens, crabs and jellyfish; doe-eyed cartoon-faced robots handling complex war machines, administrators that manage everything from the blue sky to hand-held devices, and an occasional voiceover to assist the proceedings...
This year’s competition program commences with a visual colossus that represents 7th Dimension through remarkable creativity and resolute commitment, the long-form animation Chicken of the Mound by Xi Chen. "----Denver Digerati
This year’s competition program commences with a visual colossus that represents 7th Dimension through remarkable creativity and resolute commitment, the long-form animation Chicken of the Mound by Xi Chen. "----Denver Digerati
Chicken Of The Mound is selected for International Competition at ANIMA2022. Córdoba, Argentina
2022 10.04 -10.06
2022 10.04 -10.06
Chicken Of The Mound is selected for Mirinae Road Competition at Seoul Indie-AniFest 2022
2022 09.22 - 09.27
2022 09.22 - 09.27
Chicken Of The Mound is selected for The Official Feature Films Section at Galacticat 2022.
Mostra de Cinema Fantàstic de Ponent.
In cinema from August 15 to 21, 2022, Tàrrega.
Mostra de Cinema Fantàstic de Ponent.
In cinema from August 15 to 21, 2022, Tàrrega.
“Chicken Of The Mound” has been selected to be part of the Feature Film Competition at the 13th edition of Anibar International Animation Festival, starting from the 13th until the 19th of July in the city of Peja, Kosovo.
2022 Cartoons On The Bay (International Festival of Animation, Transmedia and Interactive Art Forms). Finalists of the Pulcinella Awards for the feature film category. From June 1rst to 5th, Pescara.
The author of the formally most extreme film of recent times is the young and versatile Chinese artist Xi Chen, who made the film all by himself. Right from the very first second, the exposition hurls us into a strange world of an eternal fight only to subsequently add layers of scenes in a not very viewer-friendly mode. This frenetic experimental film, occasionally reminiscent of gameplay videos, smoothly uses 3D animation and combines it with real footage.
2022 Fantasporto International Film Festival will begin on Friday, April 1 and ends on Sunday, April 10.
2022 Fantaspoa - International Fantastic Film Festival will begin on Wednesday, 20 April and ends on Sunday, 1 May.
"Chicken Of The Mound" has been selected for the Feature Films Competition at New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2021.
"Chicken Of The Mound" has been selected for the Animated Feature Category in the Official Competition at the 2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival.
Feature film "Chicken Of The Mound" is selected for the Contrechamp Feature Film Competition at Annecy 2021.
中国アニメーションの知られざる鬼才——シー・チェンが、原作、監督、脚本、プロデュース、キャラクターデザイン、背景美術、アニメーション、編集、サウンドデザイン、等々、全製作工程をたったひとりで完遂。3年の制作期間を費やして完成させた、究極の個人制作3DCG長編アニメーション『鶏の墳丘』(原題:Chicken of the Mound)。シー・チェンの日本初個展の開催を記念して、シア
ター・イメージフォーラムにて、2週間限定で再上映! ロボットは自分たちを人間と思いこみ、日々、戦争をしていた——。時は過ぎ、好奇心旺盛なニワトリの幼虫は、ロボットアーマーを装着して、世界を探検する。「自分は何者かのコピーなのでは?」という葛藤を抱えながら。戦争するロボットたち。「物語」を媒介するクラゲ型装置。画家ロボットとモデルの少女。捕虜の顔に穴を開けて見世物にする管理者たち。そして、「穴」と呼ばれるこの世界における神のごとき存在——。謎に包まれた世界の真実が徐々に明らかになる。 2021年/83分39秒/カラー/DCP 監督・プロデュース・原作・脚本・アニメーション・美術・音楽・編集:シー・チェン 配給 田中大裕/協力:イメージフォーラム/上映素材提供:新千歳空港国際アニメーション映画祭 |
2022年4月2日(土)〜4月8日(金) 連日21:00より
下記の日程では上映後にトークショーを行います。 ・4/2(土)谷口暁彦さん(メディア・アーティスト) ・4/3(日)は久野遥子さん(アニメーション作家) お問い合わせは [email protected] まで。 |
『鶏の墳丘』の物語の輪郭を明瞭にしめすのはむずかしい。なぜならば、メインプロットと呼ばれるような物語の中心軸は存在せず、観客を導く主人公もいないからだ。さまざまな時間や場所をザッピングしながら物語は断片的に語られては、中断し、また戻ってくる、というふうに展開していく。 よく知られる物語の類型を裏切り、観客に異なる見方をうながす、挑発的な編集。 たしかに『鶏の墳丘』の物語は謎めいており、全体として何を描いているのかは判然としない。けれども、戦争をするロボットたち、「物語」を媒介するクラゲ型の装置、アイデンティティに悩むニワトリの幼虫、等々、それら物語の断片ひとつひとつがなにを暗喩しているのかはなんとなくわかるのだ。 アニメーションの異才——シー・チェン。 |
2022年3月28日(月)21:00〜 田中大裕×土居伸彰 ありがとう新千歳、頼んだDIESKE ーー&『鶏の墳丘』再公開記念 シー・チェン監督の魅力を語り尽くす会
今回のトークは、田中さんが主催するシー・チェン監督『鶏の墳丘』再公開を記念するものでもあります。現在はアヌシーやオタワでも常連になりつつあるシー・チェン監督を日本において発掘したのは間違いなく新千歳。先日の東京上映を見事満員御礼にした田中さんは、なぜ本作に惚れ込んだのでしょうか? 土居自身もシー・チェンの魅力を語ります。期間限定開催のシー・チェン監督の特別上映とあわせて、お楽しみください。
今回のトークは、田中さんが主催するシー・チェン監督『鶏の墳丘』再公開を記念するものでもあります。現在はアヌシーやオタワでも常連になりつつあるシー・チェン監督を日本において発掘したのは間違いなく新千歳。先日の東京上映を見事満員御礼にした田中さんは、なぜ本作に惚れ込んだのでしょうか? 土居自身もシー・チェンの魅力を語ります。期間限定開催のシー・チェン監督の特別上映とあわせて、お楽しみください。
"This movie will astound many! The director entices us into a world thronging with robots, a mix between David O’Reilly and Matrix."
- Marcel Jean, Artistic Director of the Annecy Festival.
When the experiment in animation shifted to feature films, a world beyond human understanding was created. This is a hyper-meta-animation about our "story".
- 土居伸彰 Nobuaki Doi (New Deer, Producer of Hiroshima Animation Season)
"類型とは異なる物語=見方がありうるのではないか? という想像力を挑発する。じっさいクライマックスには、観客が物語の類型をあてはめて見てしまうことを逆手にとり、痛烈に風刺するような展開がある。つまり、私たちのよく知る物語を暗喩しつつも、その背景にある「本質的な物語」を描きだそうとしているのだ。『鶏の墳丘』の複層的でユニークなストーリーテリングは、そのための冴えたやり方なのである。"
"Isn't it possible to see a story that is different from the stereotype? It provokes the imagination. In fact, the climax of the story takes advantage of the audience's tendency to apply the stereotype to the story, and develops a bitterly satirical development. In other words, while making metaphors for the stories we are familiar with, we are trying to depict the "essential story" behind them. The multi-layered and unique storytelling of Chicken Of The Mound is a clever way to do just that. "
- 田中大裕 Daisuke Tanaka (Program coordinator of New Chitose Airport IAF)
"... unlike any feature I’ve seen before...You have no idea who the creatures are or what the story is but there’s something utterly engaging and mind-blowingly imaginative about it all. "
- Frank Remley (Ottawa International Animation Festival)
"The author of the formally most extreme film of recent times is the young and versatile Chinese artist Xi Chen, who made the film all by himself. Right from the very first second, the exposition hurls us into a strange world of an eternal fight only to subsequently add layers of scenes in a not very viewer-friendly mode. This frenetic experimental film, occasionally reminiscent of gameplay videos, smoothly uses 3D animation and combines it with real footage."
Seoul Independent Animation Festival • Jury Special Prize
[Mirinae Road Jury’s Comment]
This film combines a dystopia and utopia. A utopia can mean a perfect place with the best conditions, but it can also mean a place that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, a dystopia doesn't only exist in science fiction but is being experienced in the real world all around the globe. This film unfolds in a space and time that can be called "virtual," which is something that is artificial but can also be something that is "latent" or exists "in actuality." This animation shows vision in combining its imagery and narrative in an experimental and original way, making us look forward to the director's next work. The jury special prize is awarded to a film that was woven together with the talent and passion of an independent artist. - SHIN Eun-shil
Focal Competition of Supernova 7th Dimension
3rd Place: Xi Chen for “Chicken of the Mound”
There’s almost no way to adequately describe the visual colossus that is Chicken of the Mound, it is a creation of ceaseless, astounding levels of visual creativity and digital prowess in motion-art. - Ivar Zeile (Founder, Artistic Director of Denver Digerati)
Chicken of the Mound won the "Feature Animation Special Mention" at ANIMA 2022 - Córdoba International Animation Festival in Argentina.
- Marcel Jean, Artistic Director of the Annecy Festival.
When the experiment in animation shifted to feature films, a world beyond human understanding was created. This is a hyper-meta-animation about our "story".
- 土居伸彰 Nobuaki Doi (New Deer, Producer of Hiroshima Animation Season)
"類型とは異なる物語=見方がありうるのではないか? という想像力を挑発する。じっさいクライマックスには、観客が物語の類型をあてはめて見てしまうことを逆手にとり、痛烈に風刺するような展開がある。つまり、私たちのよく知る物語を暗喩しつつも、その背景にある「本質的な物語」を描きだそうとしているのだ。『鶏の墳丘』の複層的でユニークなストーリーテリングは、そのための冴えたやり方なのである。"
"Isn't it possible to see a story that is different from the stereotype? It provokes the imagination. In fact, the climax of the story takes advantage of the audience's tendency to apply the stereotype to the story, and develops a bitterly satirical development. In other words, while making metaphors for the stories we are familiar with, we are trying to depict the "essential story" behind them. The multi-layered and unique storytelling of Chicken Of The Mound is a clever way to do just that. "
- 田中大裕 Daisuke Tanaka (Program coordinator of New Chitose Airport IAF)
"... unlike any feature I’ve seen before...You have no idea who the creatures are or what the story is but there’s something utterly engaging and mind-blowingly imaginative about it all. "
- Frank Remley (Ottawa International Animation Festival)
"The author of the formally most extreme film of recent times is the young and versatile Chinese artist Xi Chen, who made the film all by himself. Right from the very first second, the exposition hurls us into a strange world of an eternal fight only to subsequently add layers of scenes in a not very viewer-friendly mode. This frenetic experimental film, occasionally reminiscent of gameplay videos, smoothly uses 3D animation and combines it with real footage."
Seoul Independent Animation Festival • Jury Special Prize
[Mirinae Road Jury’s Comment]
This film combines a dystopia and utopia. A utopia can mean a perfect place with the best conditions, but it can also mean a place that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, a dystopia doesn't only exist in science fiction but is being experienced in the real world all around the globe. This film unfolds in a space and time that can be called "virtual," which is something that is artificial but can also be something that is "latent" or exists "in actuality." This animation shows vision in combining its imagery and narrative in an experimental and original way, making us look forward to the director's next work. The jury special prize is awarded to a film that was woven together with the talent and passion of an independent artist. - SHIN Eun-shil
Focal Competition of Supernova 7th Dimension
3rd Place: Xi Chen for “Chicken of the Mound”
There’s almost no way to adequately describe the visual colossus that is Chicken of the Mound, it is a creation of ceaseless, astounding levels of visual creativity and digital prowess in motion-art. - Ivar Zeile (Founder, Artistic Director of Denver Digerati)
Chicken of the Mound won the "Feature Animation Special Mention" at ANIMA 2022 - Córdoba International Animation Festival in Argentina.